Health, Safety & Environment
An integral aspect of successful Business Continuity within any organization is fostering a positive health and safety culture, and we are committed to upholding this standard. We place a high priority on Health, Safety, Environment and Security, recognizing and understanding that our people work on major accident hazards sites and sometimes in hostile and complex environments.
Clearly, one of the most important areas of our Company whereby HSE lies at the heart of every organisation’s operations and is prevalent in each individual’s day-to-day activities whether on or off our jobs.
As a result, it forms a key part of our organisation’s portfolio and our range of health & safety elements to our people.
We have designed and developed an appropriate health, safety, security management system which is applied across the company.
Quality is assured through internal process, with peer reviews and consistent feedback and communications. Personnel with the most in-depth technical knowledge are summoned to provide the appropriate specialist services.